Friday 5 December 2014

Synchronicity in Bowness on Solway ...

Last Tuesday morning, after I'd spent an hour or so on in the gym, I saw Helene again in Harry's Sports Bar

She sat next to me, drawing her chair closer to mine - 

Helene attends Anne's yoga class - she's involved with mental health work in Boscombe - 

Helene is slender and catlike in her movements - she speaks softly, regarding you with her cool, measured, gaze - 

She'd just finished reading Jung's Man and his Symbols

Synchronicity, Helene tells me, had often featured in her life - 

I thought about the church in Bowness on Solway - 

I'd gazed upwards, to read a memorial tablet - something caught my eye, some glimmer of pale stone, some shape in the air - 

Edward Lawson, I read, had gone to Egypt for the benefit of his health, and on his return home, died on the 11th day of April 1852, at the city of Valetta, in Malta, and was interred there, aged 20 years

I has been born, to the day, to the month, perhaps to the hour and to the minute, one hundred years after that delicate youth breathed his last sighing breath - 

I had spent three years, a dreamy freckled boy, living on that sun bleached island - I'd walked down the narrow streets of Valetta, in the shade of crumbling palaces - 

Yes, I said to Helene, I know about synchronicity

December 2 2014

Harry's Sports Bar
Purbeck Sports Centre 

July 16 2014

St Michael's Church
Bowness on Solway 

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