Tuesday 16 December 2014

Finding the latest Murakami in Gulliver's Bookshop ...

This morning, before I met Len in Costas, I spent half an hour or so in Gulliver's Bookshop

Wimborne was steeped in golden unearthly light - the December sun hung like a burning severed head in the cloudless sky - 

The independent bookshop was warm, brimful with books - 

Cheery bunting was hanging from the ceiling - a dowager in a trench coat bought a Delia Smith

I saw the latest Murakami

Perhaps, soon, I too, would go to the library to borrow some books - 

There might be a sheep man in Wareham Library, I thought - 

But would a starling girl rescue me from the jaws of a ravening dog?

I considered this question as I made my way to Costas - soon I would be drinking a cappuccino with Len - 

Meanwhile Anne languished in the dentist's chair - 

I gazed up at the benign towers of the Minster - I was astonished by the blueness of the sky - 

December 16 2014

Outside Gulliver's Book Shop

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