Sunday 18 January 2015

Giovanni Battista Moroni at The Royal Academy ...

I gazed at each face for as long as I could - I thought that each courtier, each subtle cleric, each woman in velvet might speak to me - I would read their thoughts, I would l hear their voices - 

There was Don Gabriel de la Cuerva, Viceroy of Navarre, fifth Duke of Alberqueque, with his icy murderous stare - carved into the side of the marble plinth, upon which he rested his dagger clasping hand, were the words - aqui esto sim temor y de la muerta no he pivor - I am here without fear, and have no dread of death

Faustino Avogado, the knight with the wounded foot, fled to Ferrara following the assassination of Count Achille Brembato in 1565 - tumbling drunkenly into a well, Faustino drowned in its cool depths - a jaded lordling looked at me, with his hooded eyes and dark brown beard - 

The lady in black held a small book in her hands - her eyes were like icy stones - nearby was Giovanni Geralamo Albini, sitting like a cruel dwarf lord upon a wooden chair, with his full white beard and implacable brow - 

Fra Michele da Brescia was calm and composed - he had the face of a sinuous politician - I protected the church, with justice, and I brought peace

I scribbled notes in my book about each face that I saw - 

After a while, I had to leave the high ceilinged rooms of paintings - I pushed my way past courtly gaffers, blue stockings, a faun in a wheelchair - 

I met up with Jay in the Gallery Cafe - faces floated in the air around me - I heard the whisper of steel, I smelt smoke and incense - 

January 17 2015

The Royal Academy

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