Monday 31 August 2015

Boarding the vaporetto for Torcello ...

I took the vaporetto for Torcello from the Fondamente Nuove -  

Waiting to board, one of a seething crowd, I heard again the words confusione and inferno - I'd not heard those words since Naples - 

I still dreamt about the wild disorder I'd witnessed at the Stazione Marittima 

I'd learned there how to use my elbows in a crush - 

It was a Saint's Day - the whole of the ravaged beautiful city's population had wanted to go to Capri - 


Deftly barging my way up the gangway, I remembered anew that wonderful chaos - 

Soon I was sitting down, shamefully exulting in the fact that others were standing - 

All my life, I thought, I'd too often been a docile apparatchik - now I was wearing blue linen trousers, looking through rakish sunglasses at the world - 

The bow wave of the vaporetto sparkled in the wanton sunlight - water taxis swept past, swaggering youths at their helms - 

I admired the flawless skin of a Chinese girl - 

I heard the engines of the vaporetto hammering joyously like my heart -

Friday 21 August 2015

Fondamente Nuove

Sunday 30 August 2015

Picking blackberries ...

Just before the Sunday lamb chops at my mum and dad's, Anne asked me to pick some blackberries - 

I left my dad in his armchair, finishing his midday Tanglefoot

My mum was in the kitchen, looking out the window - 

She watched the neighbours drive off in their Kia Sedona to The Rusty Cutter -

The hands of my watch were slowing - soon they would stop - 

The Prince of Wales had been open for an hour - 

Two men leaned against its green tiles, digging out cigarettes from the pockets of their trackies - 

The blackberries grew in luscious dangerous tangles out the back, next to the lock up garages - they stained my fingers as I eased them off their prickly stems - 

I remembered picking blackberries with my mum when she was straight and tall - 

I'd walked then in her warm shadow, chattering like a tiny bird - 

Sunday 30 September 2015

Staunton Road

Saturday 29 August 2015

Three dragonflies, a biplane and a grasshopper ...

Stretched out upon the warm pale sand, I traced the flight of three dragonflies - 

One settled near me, its wings still for an instant - its abdomen was like a tiny blue stiletto - 

It took to the air again, flying above my head, darting back and forth, hovering, veering towards the sea, zig zagging above the gorse bushes, hunting I suppose - 

I tried in vain to photograph the dragonflies - they moved so fast with their spooky aerial geometry - 

I took a photograph instead of a grasshopper, which stood motionless, like a marvellous Lilliputian automaton, upon my keffiyeh - 

A few moments later, a biplane flew above the bay, then over the beach - 

It looks like a dragonfly I thought - 

Saturday 29 2015

Middle Beach

Friday 28 August 2015

Remembering Mama Dore ...

Wandering through the rainswept calles of the Castello, in search of a bar with jazz, I lingered in the Corte Michiel, remembering the first time I'd stayed in Venice - 

Richard and I had found a room off a courtyard like this - I recalled looking up, to see a small square of blue, a reef of windows reaching up to the sky - 

We'd travelled by train across a midnight Europe - 

Dazed and wide eyed, we'd been led by a smiling rogue to Mama Dore's - 

Mama Dore lay upon a sofa in her dimly lit lounge, before an immense TV - the faces of soap opera stars would dissolve into bright swirling dots on the screen - 

Richard said women hissed like cats upon the bridges - I'd felt the very first chill of sadness upon my neck - 

I stood here now, listening to voices coming from the shuttered rooms - 

My shirt was wet with rain - it was very late - the lights in the court held back the shadows - 

19 August 2015

The Corte Michiel
Sestiere Castello

Thursday 27 August 2015

Madonnas and angels flood my heart with wonder ...

Bright water washes the stones of the palazzo -

Beringed fingers have smoothed the bannister of the dark stair - 

Above my head is a golden ceiling - 

Madonnas and angels flood my heart with wonder - 

The light of heaven fills the salon -  

My wicked bones are cleansed, my eyes are opened - 

Thursday 20 August 2015

Ca D'Oro

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Drinking Merlot in the Bar Al Campanile ...

I'm drinking Merlot in the Bar Al Campanile - it's just before midnight - the young Americans are drinking grappa - 

It's raining - Africans are selling brellas in the Calle degli Specchieri - 

The cafe orchestras are silent in the Piazza San Marco - 

The bearded bravo pours out more grappa for the Americans - 

There's crazy bebop playing on the radio -  

Friday 22 August 2015

Bar Al Campanile 
Sestiere San Marco

Tuesday 25 August 2015

Waiting for grappa in the Alta Acqua Libreria ...

Idling in the Sestiere Castello, I let chance guide me across its sun drenched campos and campiellos - 

I walked under the gaze of marble angels - I saw shuttered windows high above mysterious courtyards - 

Mazy canals were spanned by narrow bridges - above a doorway there was a face of twisted stone - 


In the Campiello del Tintor, off the Calle Longa Santa Maria Formosa, I came upon a bookshop - 

A sign said The most beautiful bookshop in the world

I went inside at once, remembering Jay's praise of the Livraria Lello

Disordered rooms were heaped ceiling high with books - 

A gondola was crewed by foxed volumes - there were boxes of post cards, fragile magazines, sex comics, missals - 

There were books in all languages - I explored a dark ravine of science fiction - I lingered in a canyon of philosophy - 

A doorway opened onto milky blue water - a girl sat reading in an antique chair - painted upon a green door were the words Alta Acqua Libreria - 

A man of utterly dissolute appearance smoked a cigarette - he threw back his head, blowing the smoke up towards the ceiling -

I half expected to be offered a grappa, for music to be played, for wild dancing to start - 

This would be, I thought, a bookshop Annick would have loved - 

Friday August 21 2015

Alta Acqua Libraria

Sunday 23 August 2015

The ship turns away into the night ...

I walked across San Marco - it was my last night in Venice -

The cafe orchestras were playing their honeyed music - white jacketed waiters carried silver trays of aperol spritzers - gilt mirrors in Florians reflected young Americans - 

A spellbound crowd still filled the moonlit piazza - elegant flaneurs haunted the colonnades - 

I saw myself amongst the crowd - there I was, my eyes wide, only lightly dusted with sadness - 

I felt the years like a cloak of golden feathers upon my back - 

A vast cruise liner moved across the lagoon - each of its gorgeous decks was ablaze with light -

I watched it pass, turning away into the waiting night - 

Piazza San Marco

Friday 21 August 2015

Friday 21 August 2015

The Campo del Ghetto Nuovo ...

I'm sitting on a marble bench in the Campo del Ghetto Nuovo - 

A cool wind stirs the leaves of the gentle trees -

Tall buildings cast long shadows - most of the green shutters are closed or barely opened - 

Children play chase around a wellhead -

Americans search out the Jewish Museum - 

Across the campo, I can see the holocaust memorial - 

A scholar shuts his book - 

The hissing transport opens its mouth - 

Friday 21 August 2015

Campo del Ghetto Nuovo

Thursday 20 August 2015

In the Calle Paradiso ...

I'm listening to a zither in the Ristorante ai Barbacani - 

Above my head are dark wooden beams - 

The waitress has lit a candle and placed it on my table - 

Through the opened window, I can see the milky green waters of the Rio del Mondo Novo - 

Sunburnt visitors linger on the bridge with selfie sticks - 

I'm still thinking about one of Tetsuyu Ishida's paintings - 

I went to the Biennale this morning - 

I strolled up the Riva Degli Schiavone like Jep Gambardella -

Perhaps I'd find redemption, I thought, before some mysterious installation - 

A boatman is shouting a hoarse warning call -

Last night I saw a crescent moon in the starless sky - 

Wednesday 20 August 2015

Ristorante ai Barbacani 
Calle Paradiso

Wednesday 19 August 2015

Rain fell upon the Ca' Rezzonico ...

It rained whilst I looked at paintings in the Ca' Rezzonico - 

I heard thunder when I was in the ballroom - 

Invisible dancers brushed against my shirt - they were dancing to the music of sad viols -

I saw myself inside a golden mirror - 

Huge chandeliers were suspended from a painted ceiling - 

Luscious goddesses reclined upon clouds - 

Apollo held his slender muse -

Weighty raindrops fell into the Grand Canal - 

A shoal of umbrellas fillled the Calle Dei Cerchieri - 

Wednesday August 19 2015

Ca' Rezzonico 

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Lunch in Dorsoduro ...

I'm sitting at a table outside a simple eatery in the Rio Terra - 

I ordered tagliatelle from the severe waitress - 

A young black man went round the tables begging - 

You have money he said - 

Inside the eatery, languid bravos sipped expressos - 

Girls with long brown legs sashayed past, on their way to the Campo Santa Margherita - 

Cabbages were sold from a barge in the Rio San Barnaba - 

In the Academia, I saw paintings of beautiful martyrs - 

Pigeons scour the pale stones for crumbs - 

Church bells are ringing - 

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Rio Terra

Monday 17 August 2015

At Gatwick ...


I'm snarfing a blueberry muffin - 

My bones are sizzling with airport electricity, my nerves are zinging wires - 

Commanding voices are echoing inside the ziggurat - 

The names of far flung cities glimmer on the screens - 

The beautiful jets fly above the leaden earth - 

I hold the St Christopher medal my mum gave me in my left hand - 

Three baristas cluster around a table, looking at an I phone - 

I put down my cappuccino, ready to explore an empire of cloud - 

Monday 17 August 2015

Gatwick Airport 

Sunday 16 August 2015

Thinking of flying to Venice ...

Tomorrow, Deo volente, I'll fly to Venice - 

The white jet will chase the moon - 

I'll look down upon ancient cities, glowing corals in a dark sea - 

I'll get a vaporetto from Marco Polo Airport to San Marco - 

A sleepy concierge will greet me after midnight - 

I'll remember the vow I made, when I lived in a world where faces turned to smoke - 

Sunday 16 August 2015

The Old School House
East Stoke

Saturday 15 August 2015

A revered master, A Beloved Healer, A Perfect Friend ...

Catching sight of the memorial to Sir Lauder Brunton, I thought of the portraits I'd seen in the halls of the Royal College of Surgeons, the frock coats, the beards, the dundreary whiskers, the dark cravats -

But there was no portrait here, no sombre face for me to study, no hooded gaze meeting mine - 

There were words instead for me to read - 

A revered master, a beloved healer, a perfect friend -

Later, back amongst my books, I'd look up the learned details of the life - 

For now, though, that last line was enough - 

Thursday 2 July 2015

Bowden Kirk 
The Scottish Borders 


Friday 14 August 2015

Brimstone and polish ...

Dog roses lined the narrow road up from the burn - 

Grey monuments filled the kirkyard - farmers and portioners lay beneath the turf - 

We saw their names, carved with tender letters into the hard stone - 

Inside the kirk, we saw the laird's loft - here the Kerrs would sit, behind the proud coat of arms, gazing down at the congregation - 

I sat on a bench under the loft - 

Alyson read aloud the verse above my head - 

Behold the axe at the tree root, to hew doune that which brings not forth good fruit when they are cut down, the Lord into the fire will them destroy -

I shivered, smelling brimstone as well as sweet scented polish - 

Thursday 2 July 2015

Bowden Kirk
The Scottish Borders