Friday 11 November 2022

A paradise of hats ...

Two men wearing yellow waistcoats left the hatters - 

One was barefoot - 

There were dazzling fedoras -

Sombre bowlers - 

Snappy trilbies - 

A paradise of hats - 

Neil glanced upwards -

Famous in two hemispheres he read -

7 November 2022


Watching the dazzling air ...

The rockets hissed past the pines - 

I remembered another bonfire - 

The yellow flower of the flames - 

White feathers of breath from my mouth - 

The cold eye of the moon - 

My eyes open to the hidden world - 

Finding the key amongst the grass - 

Placing it on my tongue - 

My heart racing - 

Watching the dazzling air - 

5 November 2022

The churchyard 
East Stoke

Sunday 6 November 2022

Three alder trees ...

The dark water reflects the alder trees -

I know these three trees - 

I've seen their bones glistening in the rain - 

Old magic lingers here - 

The white moon is caught in whispering nets -

Three shadows dance in ancient light -

5 November 2022

East Stoke

Wearing tweed and the memory of summer ...

Soft rain falls -

The wind has shaken the tree - 

I wear tweed and the memory of summer -

5 November 2020

East Stoke

The young stag ...

I thought of Actaeon -

His crown of antlers - 

His new body, his nakedness - 

The moment of transformation - 

No words now from his lolling tongue - 

The memory of that beautiful white body still terrible - 

Standing, heart pounding, terrified, under the ancient trees - 

Waiting for the huntress - 


November 2022