Wednesday 10 June 2015

Delving into a world of shadow and leaf ...

Our journey started, as it would finish, with bird song and bright grass underfoot - a warm breeze blew against our faces - meadows were yellow with buttercups - swallows graced the air, circling delicate weathervanes - trees were in summer leaf - the rich earth cast its spell - 

The narrow path was shaded by opulent greenery - fierce young nettles stung our ankles - leaves brushed against my forehead - it was as if we were delving into a world of shadow and leaf, each leaf like a jewel, each shadow a dark mirror - 

I thought of the Green Children of Woolpit, falling from their heaven - 

Perhaps, in some deep wood, we might catch sight of their kindred - we would speak in their celestial language - we would drink their emerald wine - 

Wednesday June 3 2015

Start of the Hangers Way

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