Friday 24 January 2014

Swimming at the beach near Marc's

The auto rickshaw takes us to the beach in under ten minutes - the spindly vehicle zig zags through the village, grazing bright blue lorries, vivid green buses driven by Mad Max fans, gaffers wearing  dhotis, skinny boys upon bicycles which are the merest cobwebs of rust - 

The breakers crash upon the steeply shelving beach with a soft roar - glossy black birds, like crows, walk upon the warm fine sand - coconut palms and trees with feathery, wispy, branches line the shore - high prowed dark fishing boats are drawn up at the top of the beach -

The Arabian Sea is as warm as a lazy lolloping bath - we bob up and down in the swell - waves crash over our heads and shoulders - glassy foaming necklaces are cast around our necks -

Marco's beach
Saturday 25 January 2014

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