Saturday 22 March 2014

The fishing village at Murari, novennas on the beach ...

Just behind the white sands and iconic palm trees of Murari Beach, there was a small fishing village, within sound of the sea -

Early in the morning, we would watch the women filling brass vessels with water from a stand pipe - breakfasts were being cooked over wood fires - families were stirring from sleep, yawning and washing -

We would tiptoe past stray dogs with wicked muzzles - the voices of young children were like the cries of strange birds -

The lady in the dress shop told us - the fishermen are  poor - one day, they have money, but the next day, when there are no fish, then they have no money - 

We would see the fishermen before sunset, lean, watchful, figures - they cast their nets from dark, high prowed, boats, sailing parallel to the shore -

Nancy said that the wives sang novennas on the beach, to ensure the safe return of their husbands -

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