Wednesday 24 October 2012

Cottages at Lulworth Cove

I remember once reading a short story by Edith Nesbit - it was in an anthology called The Supernatural Omnibus, edited by Montague Summers - the story was called Man-Size in Marble - when I read it the for first time I was overcome by dread - a feeling of helpless pity and sorrow washed over me - 

The cottages just up from Lulworth Cove remind me of the one in the story - screened by trees, with their gardens glimpsed through glossy leaves - they appear to be places where you can be calm and happy -

A stream flows through the garden of one of the cottages - its clear cold water runs into the cove, running over the pebbles in a bright foaming ribbon - 

Tessa had keyboard lessons in Spring Cottage - the rooms were dark and shadowy - the woman giving the lesson was slender - I thought she was often edgy - perhaps, unlike Laura in the story, she knew about the shape that would arrive when it grew dark -

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