Monday 22 October 2012

The Blue Pool

I drove the red Peugeot up a narrow road - it was lined with old oak trees, ferns shading ditches brimming with peaty water - just wide enough for one car - a tree surgeon was lopping branches with brutal grace - the sky above was bright blue, with scattered cloud - I parked in a clearing, set about with trees -

Although there were many other cars parked nearby, once inside the woods, I saw very few people - I walked along curving paths, between tall pines - high sandy ridges overlooked the pool - I stood there, under the pines, looking down at the water - it reflected perfectly the trees growing near the shore, and the clouds above - but when I looked again, it was like blue frosted glass

A little distance away, was a far smaller pool, very still and dark, with large pale green lily pads - this looked like a mirror to me, reflecting shadows -

I then thought of the wood between the worlds - which world, I wondered, would you enter if you passed through this pool -

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