Wednesday 13 March 2013

A Street Entertainer on South Bank, Dr Dee & Edward Kelly

Last July,  I was on the South Bank, on my way to meet up with Anne and Sophie - although initially immune to Olympics fever, I had succumbed to Triathlon virus - what spirit they showed, these single minded men and women, who swam, ran and cycled with such panache and stamina -

Perhaps it was their example which spurred me to take up membership of a gym - a prospect unspeakable to me when younger - now I happily submit myself to the sleek machines -

But be that as it may, I was then enjoying the sunshine and hubbub by the side of the river - young women cycled by on Boris Bikes - slim dancers leapt into the air - quirky installations outside the Royal Festival Hall diverted the eye - London Ambassadors handed out free maps of London - idle fellows browsed the contents of the second hand bookstalls - dads in shorts strolled by - bold children chased invisible dragons - tired headteachers forgot about trajectories - capable mothers headed for the food stalls, to sample rare curries -

Suddenly I became aware of a street entertainer - he stood in the shade of some trees - he danced a strange, measured, dance - in his right hand, he held a glass ball, filled with water - he had fair hair and a Prussian moustache - minimalist music played from a bop machine - he danced within a rope circle -

I wondered for a moment if he was conjuring spirits - what was the purpose of his slow movements - what secrets was he weaving from out of the London air?

I thought, as I would, of Dr Dee and Edward Kelly -

1 comment:

  1. Still unspeakable to me - stand firm, young Chris, don't give in to the prison of measured time and running while standing still!
