Sunday 18 May 2014

Mugla Old Town and the gladiators ...

Jane led us through the white washed alleyways of Mugla's Old Town - we climbed higher and higher - ancient stone houses were warmed by the sun - vines tumbled over courtyard walls - sinister dogs guarded the higher steps -

We passed a mosque, built in the 14th Century - I saw a rack of shoes and sandals outside its entrance - the crumbling minaret rose above dark cypresses - 

Jane sketched the silent labyrinth - we made our way downwards to the new town, past tiny shops - old men sipped chai - caged birds sang - 

We saw a remembrance feast being prepared - three men played wild lamenting music -

In the museum, we saw the brutal memorials of gladiators - one was called Khrysopteros - 

Later we met up with Jane and feasted upon lentil soup - 

I remembered seeing the carving of a serene face - 

Mugla Old Town

May 18 2014

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