Sunday 26 January 2014

Early morning walk along Varkala beach ...

We wake up at five in morning, to walk to the beach - it's still dark - tiny eateries are peopled with slight figures, eating dhal -

We walk past the empty cafés lining the cliffs - no Europeans are as yet buying gee gaws -

Beyond the lurid hotels, we pass through coconut groves, down to the sea -

Fishing boats made of pale wood are launched into the surf - I see a sliver of a crescent moon -

By six thirty it's light - dolphins appear - kites spiral upwards over the palms - stray dogs follow us - 

Young gods and beautiful girls ride the waves on their surf boards - nearby, skinny brown fishermen heave in a net, shouting for us to join in, to pull upon their salty rope ...

Monday January 27 2014

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