Friday 15 November 2013

The dog sculpted out of sand ...

"All that once was directly lived has receded into representation"

To my shame, I've become adept at ignoring street people - I harden my heart whenever I'm in Falkland Square - I study my TLS rather than look at the thin dirty figures - I sneak past the Bosnian girl selling the Big Issue -

There's a gentle vagabond who shelters inside the subway, near the bus station - he sits there, in his damp lair, his dog by his side - sometimes he plays a penny whistle, some artless air - I quickly pass him by, hurrying for a latte in The Lighthouse - 

Outside Cafe 34 in the Old High Street, three shambling creatures gather most mornings - one of them plays a splintered guitar - they have leathery anguished faces - 

But despite the hissing lies of Richard Littlejohn, I feel, deep in my heart, a great rage and sadness at such sights - 

I was, therefore, much cheered when I saw a young homeless man sculpt a dog out of sand - it lay, yellowy brown and sleek, upon its rug - a bone made out of sand lay before its muzzle - 

Guy Debord would love this, I thought - there, outside William Hill, opposite Poundland -  there was a spectacle -

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