Sunday 20 October 2013

Karaoke in South Ferriby ...

I've always been wary of karaoke - I sing out of tune - as soon as my voice broke, I perfected miming hymns - I've a horror of being led to the microphone - I can hear myself, stammering pitiably, longing for the song to end -

Richard told me he once got trapped in a videoke booth, singing Lola -

But I'm now a potential convert to karaoke - I have not yet summoned up the courage to sashay up to the DJ, to whisper, can I do Hole in My Shoe? - but I have started to appreciate the karaoke experience - I feel that I might be induced, after three pints of Adnams' Broadside, to give it go -

It was when Paul sang Suspicious Minds that my fears of karaoke left me - we were at his mum and dad's Ruby Wedding Party -

Linda and George were very warm and welcoming - we felt privileged to have been invited - I felt at home, and happy, grazing upon delicious eats, sipping special wedding ales -

A DJ played Ride a White Swan - I met uncles and cousins - then, I saw Paul at the microphone - he was the first of that night's karaoke singers - he was singing, without nervousness, or any sliver of awkwardness, that haunting, yet unsettling, song -

After Paul, singer after singer came forward - I was spellbound - I remembered how it had taken me years to loosen up and dance unselfconsciously -

Perhaps, even now, though, I thought, I might be able to shed some further scales of reserve -

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