Whenever I could, I took the opportunity to gaze upon Chinese Nets - these delicate structures, lining the back waters, were to be found all along the coast, from Varkala to Fort Cochin -
The nets, suspended from bamboo poles, were lowered to trap the bright fish, lifting them up into our world -
I pitied those beautiful silver creatures, twisting and quivering as the life left them -
Later, they would lie on beds of melting ice, their price lowered as the day wore on - flies would dance around them -
Thin men would exchange them for a fragile bank note - cigarette ash would dust their pristine scales -
Later, they would lie on beds of melting ice, their price lowered as the day wore on - flies would dance around them -
Thin men would exchange them for a fragile bank note - cigarette ash would dust their pristine scales -